19 February 2012

2011 Movies: #26

Ref: Mulhern

#26 Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

Unlike B, there was no "protocolo fantasma" advertised at my theatre. What there was was wine. As a holiday gift, my sister took me to see this at the ever-so-fancy Showplace Icon theatre, where we indulged in delicious breads and cheeses along with a bottle of wine that we were able to bring in to our VIP seating. Let me tell you, the sun shining in the brilliant blue Dubai sky makes it very easy to see where you are pouring.

Like B, I thoroughly enjoyed this M:I installment. Tom Cruise's crew was capable and amusing, benefiting from new and creative technology while poking fun at design flaws (like *spoiler alert* the eye scanning device on the side of the moving train or the climbing gloves that fail at an inopportune moment). The story held my attention and left me excited for M:I:V, whenever it will appear. Who knew back in 1996 that Mission: Impossible would be going strong nearly two decades later?

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